Product Design & Innovation Leader

Non-Stereotypical Connected Homes

Designing Tools for Co-Speculation


This work aimed to understand attitudes and beliefs toward internet-connected objects (IoT) in the home, and to highlight the design potential of “non-stereotypical homes”. That is, homes which do not fit the traditional image of the Smart Home: an idealized depiction of contemporary life through a modernist, single-family detached dwelling.

To open conversations and spark co-speculation on IoT behaviors and roles, we designed probes in the form of a small, handmade booklet for each participant.

Design for technology in domestic spaces can benefit from a broader understanding and vision of the smart home—one considering the porous boundaries of homes, relationships to neighbors, and evolutions with time—through the use of imaginary and speculative design methods.

The booklets, we found, were a productive tool and generated a physical record of our co-speculation. They made a fruitful catalyst for research and design ideation.

The creative process of crafting speculative visions can spark unexpected design concepts. Shared with stakeholders, they can lead to productive discussions and insights to guide unexpected design outcomes.

Team: Kelsey Aschenbeck, Aubree Ball, Ioan Butiu, Nouela Johnston, Cayla Key, Jeremy Viny; led by Audrey Desjardins, PhD.

Publications of work:

Alternative Avenues for IoT: Designing with Non-Stereotypical Homes. Desjardins, A., Viny, J.E., Key, C., Johnston, N. (2019). In Proc. CHI'19, New York, ACM Press.

Bespoke Booklets: A Method for Situated Co-Speculation. Desjardins, A., Key, C., Biggs, H.R., Aschenbeck, K. (2019). In Proc. DIS'19, New York, ACM Press.